TEXAS was great! I
loved it! I can't believe that I did, but I did. I want to go back! But with my
My trip back was
- After arriving 2 hours early, my original flight went up in the air for an hour, only to land again in San Antonio due to mechanical door troubles with the door.
- Those 'mechanical door troubles' caused too much air pressure to come into the plane which gave me the worst ear ache ever! My left ear is still a little deaf as we speak.
- Had to pick up the bags from baggage claim and re-book another flight pronto.
- The next flight was delayed, good cos I was 'selected' to be searched by airport security, bad, cos it caused me to miss my connecting flight to phoenix from houston.
- after spending some 7 hours in the airport total, finally arrived in Phoenix at 5pm. My luggage didn't make that same trip. The airline will be delivering my bags to my house sometime today. oh and they better!
Yea. that was that. I had a great time in Texas, which is what counts. I met Lisa B, a good new friend. And got to re-unite with Aldi & Rocio, my girls 4 life!
check it out!
Aldi, Lisa B, Rocio, Me!

Girls made in Cali, are hot.

Nia & Aldi, friends since 2000.

I ♥ these girls

And these girls ♥ me!