"Siren Song" by Bat For Lashes
2. Two Can Win - JDilla
3. Starlight - Muse
4. Never had a friend Like Me (tied with) FAME - by 2PAC
5. "A Little Bit" by Drake feat Lykke Li is sooo the contender for 5th spot
Currently : Relaxing in my hotel room in Monterey, Cali....just soaking up some sweetness, and clarity
I hope they never find out
What they already know, know, know
As soon as it's official
We'll have to let it go, go, go
So we don't confirm the fling
Keep avoiding all the questions
You'll get teased for many things
I'm just scared to learn a lesson
The pressures on
Both hearts beat like a metronon
Both n'sync like a justin song
Feels so right but it's just soo wrong
I wonder where my world 'bout
Where niggas said I know, tryna talk my girl out
And her friends say I ain't the one to go for
She just get jealous cause you always get approached more
Oh well tell her fall back caught up in some more shit tell her call back
Tell her get a man that ain't cheating on her ass
With a girl that I know yeah tell her all that, that
And as for you I think I know your the one
The closest I've come
I'm probably...
A little bit
A little bit
A little bit in love with you
I guess that I'm a little bit
A little bit
A little bit
A little bit in love with you
Oh oho
Lalalala love with me
Oh oho, oh oho
#3 Hulk Hogan's rap album is amazing. It's all about taking vitamins and saying your prayers. There's one song called "When the hulkster goes to heaven" about his friend that died in the ring. While his heart was in the right place , it basically becomes a song about how the guy was a great hulkamaniac…and he died.
The end is the funniest ever
ay-Z and Eminem have teamed up for the upcoming release of DJ Hero to provide the video game with exclusive content and work behind-the-scenes. Both rappers will help provide a rap twist to the urban-based game. A limited edition comes with the rappers' exclusive new greatest-hits CDs, possibly including previously unreleased tracks, plus an advanced version of the controller, a DJ stand and metal traveling case. Jay-Z and Eminem will serve as consultants to Activision and the game's developer, FreeStyleGames. The complete list of tracks the rappers are providing is still being worked out. Jay-Z plans on including "Izzo (H.O.V.A.)" and "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" for sure. Also possible: tracks from his in-the-works Blueprint 3 album. (USA Today) Jigga has confirmed his role with the upcoming project. "I have a ton of content, I just need the pipeline," Jay said in an interview. "I love
the freedom of [DJ Hero]. I could wake up tomorrow morning with the idea for a song and call the guys at Activision and start working on getting it out...You can actually get lost [playing]." (Woooha) Em also dished out a few details revolving around the release. "I don't want to give away any surprises yet," he said in an e-mail interview. "DJ Hero will include my music, and I'll be providing additional material as downloadable content by the end of the year...This is a game I can see myself actually playing. DJ'ing is fundamental to rap music, so it's a great fit." (Rap Radar) In addition to providing fans with music by 50 Cent, N.E.R.D., KRS-One, Beastie Boys and more, players will take the role of an actual deejay. DJ Hero has a fine disc jockey pedigree, with contributions from DJ Shadow, mash-up guru DJ Z-Trip and plane-crash survivor DJ AM. Players will "utilize and master
various DJ techniques including scratching, blending, cross fading and sampling," according to a press release, "leaving room for creative expression with a variety of effects and player-chosen samples and scratches". Presumably, they will also learn how to ruin a party with bad tunes. But if spinning records gets too boring, DJ Hero has some other options. You can, for instance, ignore all that "DJ" stuff and have an MC battle using the game's microphone controller ? or even play guitar using your Guitar Hero controller. (Guardian News) DJ Hero is reportedly set to be released next fall.
Listening to: "Discipline" by GangStarr
Venus in Virgo:Dedication to you and the relationship and exhibiting the willingness to make it work is a Venus in Virgo heart. Attention to detail. This heart is quite, shy, and reserved and will slowly work it's way into yours. They are somewhat insecure and like to play it safe. The Venus in Virgo heart shows you they care by naggin and nitpicking on you. This heart is attracted to people who are otherwise not noticed. Their aim is to please. They will go to great lengths to please you subtely and the key to win this heart is through appreciation to the details. Do not let what the Venus in Virgo heart does for you go unnoticed
Lissunin 2: "Bat for Lashes"
Feelin: lazy
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer or reason usurps its place & governs the unwilling.
WILLIAM BLAKE, The Voice of the Devil
There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.
This post is dedicated to Jeannie and includes excerpts from the book Sextrology.
For starters, no other woman in the world maintains a higher opinion of herself than the Scorpio female. The zodiac's femme fatal.
She amasses supporters who pave her way for her through life, if not to the point of rolling out the red carpet for her. She drips with feminine allure but with an equal amount of foreboding. She spins a web and bids her mates to come hither - at their own peril.
She's unmoved by the advances of men in attempts to bait him into working ever so diligently to win her over. Our femme fatal invented "hard to get." She's mystery wrapped in darkness, and carries a poker face. She looks to men and asks herself "what can he do for me" sizing up each and every potential candidate - she wants the full package, coaxing out a man's abilities and best qualities while killing off his darker ones.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto - a combination that could be akin to fire and ice. Burning agression encased in a frosty outer layer. She's the zodiac's only fixed female water sign, which controls emotion. She controls others emotions - she never wishes for her own to be controlled.
Scorpio's femme fatal maintains the ability to control what the rest of us experience as spontaneous sensations - thus making her a cool character and somewhat frosty in nature. Pluto's remote energy keeps impulsive expression in check. For she rarely acts rash. Carrying on and allowing emotions to rule her is not a trait of the female scorpion.
In nature, a scorpion - when cornered - would rather sting itself to death than face defeat or submission. This is much like our female scorpion. If she finds herself cornered, her actions may become somewhat self-defeating in that if she feels she's lost or is facing submission, she'll begin to up the ante by performing behaviors that may do her - or the situation - in.
Scorpio has a sixth sense. She psychically draws experiences to her like a crystal ball tuned in to what life has to offer. She picks and chooses carefully and operates as a magnet. She lies in wait for her prey to reveal itself. Scorpios symbol has also been likened to a spider.
She spins her web, weaving it perfectly and operating entirely behind the scenes. Then she waits, and waits for her next victim, trapping the bounty that she feels she's ultimately entitled to. Scorpio strives for stillness, waiting, opportunities. A spider doesn't chase or stalk prey - it lies in wait.
Scorpio female periodically embarks on long bouts of deep psychological descents, but generally not more than two or three times during her life. But these are not simply "blue" periods - these are monumental dark periods.
Our female femme fatal wears an expectant expression, watching and waiting for something to occur or someone to arrive. She anticipates every word, every action. She will hurry conversations along with a hiss, dismissing anything that visibly annoys her, often times only half listening. The rest of the time, she's waiting to interject her opinions.
Carrying an often blank and somewhat expressionless look, she's preoccupied. If something catches her attention, it won't be long before she'll approach. She bears down on the individual with a Sphinx smile that signals her curiosity.
Scorpio can appear particularly cold and calculating to other women who may end up with a sense that she's hiding something. Concealing a secret "sting operation" behind that artic exterior. And guess what ladies? Most times - she is.
Many say that the Mona Lisa's expression is akin to the female scorpio. A half smile that conceals deeper thoughts and beckons. Some consider her a sex crazed harpy, but the female scorpion is staking out a permanent mate. But only ones who fits the bill, forever fixed in a state of "hatching a plan."
Scorpio's brand of beauty is best described as Gothic. That raven haired Mona Lisa whose hiding something and shrouded in mystery that beckons prey to her doorstep. She doesn't need a man to make her feel like a woman. She was born feeling like a woman. She exudes sexuality and has her pick of the litter.
Her age range is likened to that of 49-56, which correspondes to menopause. Another mysterious facet of female sexuality. This is a time when a woman's power shifts from that of reproductive physical growth to that of developing her own mental and spiritual prowess of the wise woman with a fatalistic nature.
The female femme fatal seeks a union of the minds, although she can appreciate a nice physical appearance just like the rest of us. She needs to receive a vibe, like that of a fly trapped in her web, wrangling to free itself. She craves an unspoken bond to merge and become one. She doesn't simply pair up - she possesses. She plunges into the depths of her lover's personality to help him fully realize his potential.
She comes to relationships with nothing to loose and nothing to prove. She thinks of herself as the perfect little gem and has a healthy self esteem - Ms. Flawless. But she has a fatal flaw - and it's not being able to admit when she's wrong. For our female scorpion will not take nary of bite of "humble pie."
This is so much so that she'll loose friendships, relationships and more due to her absolute distaste for it. (Again, the scorpion backed into the corner - begins to sting itself to death rather than submit.) She settles into relationships very early in life, anxious to being her mining expedition into the psyche of men's minds. Lantern and pick axe in hand.
She tends to lean towards mama's boys. She can tolerate macho men, however, she picks a man who is more willing to let a female control the wheel and have her way with him. A submissive sort of man that will lie back and allow her to pick away at him on her mining expedition.
A man with a clearly defined mission presents a problem to the zodiac's scorpion girl. this makes it difficult for her to stir the ingredients in her pot for her own personal success. However, a guy with lofty notions that is oblivious on how to achieve them - is a perfect fit for the zodiac's femme fatal. If she thinks he can do better than she can, he's gone.
If this happens, the zodiac's scorpion girl will release a sting that is so terminal, it reduces her mate to a castrated pile of rubble. Launching the cold shoulder full throttle and freezing him out. She approaches this behavior as if it's some sort of campaign she on.
The burden is always on the man with our Scorpio girl. He must never fail to provide that which she demands or he'll surely suffer the sting. She owes nothing to nobody nor does she ever explain her actions. She feels she's perfect in every way and above reproach. Even if she's submersed in deep depression - her surface will emulate that she's fine. Admitting weakness is something that she simply will not consider. The stone face is on.
It's everybody else who has the problem - not our scorpion girl. She's always feigning a yawn, and keeping a blase' attitude towards others - her signature frosty chill.
The zodiac's scorpion girl is an indomitable spirit that cannot be broken or penetrated.