Thursday, May 13, 2010

You've come a long way baby.

Even when I see myself in the mirror its almost like seeing someone new! It has taken me a good 2 decades to finally understand, recognize and appreciate who I am. It took me through a hellish road in the process...but you really can't appreciate the greatness of one without living the worst of one self. It makes perfect sense to see the kind of environment I was placing myself in for all those years....even the kind of relationships I kept and for how long. No regrets whatsoever....just good solid realization and appreciation. Which is how key my family is to me now more than ever. You pick your friends, and in some cases who you fall in love with (not always though).so to say the least I am more than blessed in so many ways! Health is great! I wish I could share that with everyone....emotional health is amazing. It all starts there. Impossible to be happy with life without being happy
with yourself. Bunch of cliches but its all true. I couldn't be in true love with my boyfriend without being in love with myself. And that took all 26 of my years to get to this point. I can be happy with or without him. But I thank God every day that I'm granted life with the love of my life who is my boyfriend. We are so opposite in so many little things...but keep all the great values and ideals in complete sync. He's Country and I'm Hip Hop with a dash of indie. But having love and humour makes it work. And makes it fun. I have never been able to feel so happy and comfortable with myself around someone like it is with him. I can act like a 5 year old sometimes with my sillyness and as irritated he can act like he is he still loves it.... Okay enough moment of wonder and back to work... It just feels good to realize how much you grow...I love it.