Friday, September 5, 2008

love like luis

My soulmate and I are together for once and for all.For everything I always dreamed of with what a love like him would here we are. This is the all in moment that we both would only involve ourselves in when we knew that there was nothing else that we were more sure of than us. And its definitely going to be everything that its worth all senses. It's that true love that is everything but easy but can never be duplicated or forgotten. Having Luis in my life like this is already stimulating all my creative senses like it has always done since we met 4 years ago. Its the most electrifying connection that I've ever had.I have journals filled with every emotion ever felt in the course of our involvement...there's just so much more than I can ever try to explain which is how I now find myself being able to express again this. Its just that I've also lived and learned so much more about everything especially about my love and heart's desire which is not the least bit at ease to trust again. I'm all in. With Luis its worth it all. No matter what it ends in...I've never loved someone as much as him...and now that I love myself more than anything...its a challenge that is really going to change my life. Its either going to be all or nothing. I've already had changes of heart with some issues that I swore I would not shift. But its all part of what my love like him are all about. Still.

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